Mohammad Razaghi


Course info

Text books

  1. Introduction

  2. Optoelectronic material

    1. State of material

  1. Light Propagation in Media

    1. Maxwell Eq.

    2. Frasnel Law

    3. Wave Eq. in Crystal

    4. Introduction to Polarization

  1. Light Propagation in Waveguide

    1. Optical Fiber

    2. Planar Waveguide

  1. Optical and Electronic properties of semiconductors

    1. Band Structures of Crystals and Amorphous

    2. Scattering Process and Transport Properties

    3. Optical Properties of Matters (radiative and non-radiative)

  1. Light Emitting Diodes

    1. Material systems

    2. Operation

    3. Structure

    4. Performance and Characteristics

    5. Reliability

  1. Laser Diodes

    1. Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission

    2. Basic Structures

    3. Gain and Losses

    4. Time Response

    5. Design

    6. Advanced Structures

  1. Detectors

    1. Optical Absorption

    2. Photoconductors

    3. Photodiods

    4. Noise

- Project 40%
- Seminar 10%
- Final exam 50%