Mohammad Razaghi

|Electronic I|

Course Info

Text books

  1. Introduction

  2. Physics of PN junction

  3. Diode circuits

  4. Physics of bipolar junction transistors

  5. BJT circuits

  6. Physics of metal oxide semiconductor transistors

- Projects 15%
- Class Homeworks 5%
- Spice Homeworks 10%
- Quiz 30%
- Final exam 40%


Homework is due one week from assignment. Late homework will not be accepted.
You are allowed, even encouraged, to work on the homework in small groups, but you must write up your own homework.

Introduction to Spice –> Download


  1. Design and implementation of DC power source (Adaptor) using diode circuits - Due 7th week

  2. Design and implementation of basic logic gate using transistor circuits - Due 16th week
