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Computer Architecture

Spring  2025

Lectures: Sunday 10-12 (every other week), and Monday 8-10


   Instructor:  Dr. A. Abdollahpouri ,             Email:

   Teaching assistant: Houman Moradnia

- D. A. Patterson, J. L. Hennessey. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface. 5th Edition, Elsevier.
- M.  Mano. Computer System Architecture. Third Edition, PHI, 1993.
What's Computer Architecture?

Computer Architecture is the science and art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create computers that meet functional, performance and cost goals. 


Primary goals of the course are:

To introduce computer architecture design

Specific topics include: The design of computer systems and components. Processor design, instruction set design, and addressing; control structures and microprogramming; memory management, caches, and memory hierarchies; and interrupts and I/O structures

Topics covered

Introduction, basic computer organization

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

Register Transfer Language (RTL)

Datapath design 

Control design: Hardwired control, microprogrammed control

More on arithmetic: Multiplication, division, floating point arithmetic

MIPS (single-cycle and multi-cycle)


Memory systems 



There will be one exam during the semester (midterm exam) and a final exam at the end of the semester. 



Assignments are due two weeks from the initial day of the assignment  

Late homework will be docked 50% per class period late, unless approved arrangements are made in advance. 

HW1       Due date: 
HW2      Due date: 
HW3      Due date:

Grading Policy:

Final grades in the course will be based on the following weighting distribution:



Midterm .….. 35%

Final Exam…..45%

Class Participation.....5%


Lecture Notes:
TopicLecture Note
Review of Digital DesignPresentation0


Register Transfer Language (RTL)Presentation2
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)Presentation3
MIPS ISA and assembly languagePresentation4
MIPS single-cycle datapath (hardwired control)Presentation5
MIPS multi-cycle datapath (micro-program control)Presentation6
Memory HierarchyPresentation8
Computer ArithmeticPresentation9
I/O OrganizationPresentation10

Useful links:  
   Computer Architecture Tutorial 
   Microprogrammed Control Unit Design
   Computer Architecture Educational Tools 
   Computer Arithmetic Simulations
   Computer Architecture Course (Newyork University)