ARAZ ARAZ serves as an interface that seamlessly integrates the functionality of the ORCA and AMBER program packages for conducting QM/MM calculations [1]. This Linux bash script amalgamates various subprograms, all developed using the Python programming language. To utilize ARAZ effectively, it is essential to have the ORCA, AMBERand Multiwfn programs installed on your machine. These programs collectively handle the QM aspects, MM computations, and the determination of the charge of the QM system. The calculated charge is then automatically updated in the topology file of the entire system during each iteration of the calculations. ARAZ employs electrostatic embedding to account for environmental effects and calculates the QM/MM energy using the subtractive approach [2]. The system is partitioned into three distinct components: S1, which undergoes treatment using a QM or DFT method; S2, managed by an MM method and subject to optimization throughout the calculations; and finally, S3, treated by an MM method but held fixed during the computation. These components are illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Illustration of the typical system utilized in QM/MM calculations with ARAZ.
To initiate QM/MM calculations with ARAZ, follow the procedure below: 1. Ensure your structure is equilibrated. Create a PDB file of the equilibrated structure, including point charges in the last column.1.1 Set up the protein and parameterize hetero groups (cf. link1 and link2 pages). For organic reaction systems, parametrize only the reacting molecules. 1.2 Protonate and solvate the structure following points 1 and 2 on this page.1.3 Equilibrate the solvated structure with the sander or pmemd module of AMBER as follows:To equilibrate a periodic system, typically an octahedral box of water molecules, run MD simulations as shown below. Replace 'sander' with 'pmemd' if you have installed this module. Also, replace '28' with the maximum number of CPU cores on your machine. mpirun -bind-to core -np 28 sander.MPI -O -i sander.in00H -o sander.out00H -p prmtop -c prmcrd -r mdrest00H -ref prmcrd mpirun -bind-to core -np 28 sander.MPI -O -i sander.in00 -o sander.out00 -p prmtop -c mdrest00H -r mdrest00 -ref prmcrd mpirun -bind-to core -np 28 sander.MPI -O -i sander.in0 -o sander.out0 -p prmtop -c mdrest00 -r mdrest0 -ref prmcrd mpirun -bind-to core -np 28 sander.MPI -O -i sander.in1 -o sander.out1 -p prmtop -c mdrest0 -r mdrest1 -ref prmcrd mpirun -bind-to core -np 28 sander.MPI -O -i sander.in2 -o sander.out2 -p prmtop -c mdrest1 -r mdrest2 -ref prmcrd
In the above lines, replace sander with pmemd if you have installed this module. Also, replace '28' with the maximum number of CPU cores of your machine. The contents of the files are provided below:
The sander.in00H file. Minimization without shake, All hydrogen atoms &cntrl irest=0,ntx=1, nstlim=0,dt=0.0005, imin=1,maxcyc=1000,drms=0.001, temp0=300.0,ntt=3,gamma_ln=2.0, ntc=1,ntf=1, nsnb=40,cut=8.0,dielc=1.0, ntpr=100,ntwx=0,ntwv=0,ntwe=0, ntb=1,ntp=0,taup=0.2, ipol=0,igb=0, ncyc=10,ntmin=1,dx0=0.01, ntr=1,restraint_wt=1000, restraintmask=" !@H=" &end The sander.in00 file Minimization without shake. &cntrl irest=0,ntx=1, nstlim=0,dt=0.0005, imin=1,maxcyc=1000,drms=0.001, temp0=300.0,ntt=3,gamma_ln=2.0, ntc=1,ntf=1, nsnb=40,cut=8.0,dielc=1.0, ntpr=100,ntwx=0,ntwv=0,ntwe=0, ntb=1,ntp=0,taup=0.2, ipol=0,igb=0, ncyc=10,ntmin=1,dx0=0.01, &end
The sander.in0 file 10 ps MD simulation without shake &cntrl irest=0,ntx=1, nstlim=20000,dt=0.0005, imin=0,maxcyc=100,drms=0.001, temp0=300.0,ntt=3,gamma_ln=2.0, ntc=1,ntf=1, nsnb=40,cut=8.0,dielc=1.0, ntpr=1000,ntwx=0,ntwv=0,ntwe=0, ntb=1,ntp=0,taup=0.2, ipol=0,igb=0, ncyc=10,ntmin=1,dx0=0.01, &end The sander.in1 file 1 ns equilibration with shake and constant volume &cntrl irest=1,ntx=5, nstlim=500000,dt=0.002, temp0=300.0,ntt=3,gamma_ln=2.0, ntc=2,ntf=2, nsnb=15,cut=8.0,dielc=1.0, ntpr=1000,ntwx=0,ntwv=0,ntwe=0, ntb=1,ntp=0,taup=0.2, ipol=0,igb=0, &end The sander.in2 file 1 ns simulated annealing at constant pressure &cntrl irest=1,ntx=5, nstlim=500000,dt=0.002, temp0=300.0,ntt=3,gamma_ln=2.0, ntc=2,ntf=2, nsnb=15,cut=8.0,dielc=1.0, ntpr=1000,ntwx=0,ntwv=0,ntwe=0, ntb=2,ntp=1,pres0=1.0,taup=1.0, ipol=0,igb=0, nmropt=1, &end
&wt type='TEMP0',istep1= 0,istep2=160000,value1=370.00,value2=370.00 &end &wt type='TEMP0',istep1=160001,istep2=500000,value1=370.00,value2= 0.00 &end &wt type='TAUTP',istep1= 0,istep2=200000,value1= 0.20,value2= 0.20 &end &wt type='TAUTP',istep1=200001,istep2=320000,value1= 1.00,value2= 1.00 &end &wt type='TAUTP',istep1=320001,istep2=400000,value1= 0.50,value2= 0.50 &end &wt type='TAUTP',istep1=400001,istep2=500000,value1= 0.05,value2= 0.05 &end &wt type='END' &end
To equilibrate a non-periodic system, typically a PDB structure with organic solvents from Packmol, run MD simulations as described in point 4.2 on this page. The final coordinate of the MD simulations of the octahedral box of water molecules is stored in the mdrest2 file, and we have to convert it to a PDB file. 1.4 Convert the equilibrated system to a PDB file.1.4.1 Execute the following command. It wraps the water molecules in the mdrest2 file into another file called mdrest2-wrap.cpptraj prmtop
The contents of the file are as follows: where "1" is the residue number of the central residue in the pdbout file. The file trajin mdrest2 trajout mdrest2-wrap restart image origin center familiar com :1 go
You can obtain the residue number of the central residue by running the command "cap center" in changepdb. A graphical program such as RasMol can also be used to find the central residue. 1.5 Convert the mdrest2-wrap file to PDB format using topologyanalyser.
topologyanalyser <<EOF prmtop p i mdrest2-wrap araz-in.pdb q EOF
Now you can use the araz-in.pdb file in the following steps. Note that if you already have the final structure from the simulations of the system generated by Packmol and stored in the equil.pdb file, there is no need to perform the above conversion steps for the mdrest2-wrap file. To do this, you need to use topologyanalyser to generate a pdb file that has point charges in the last column. 2. Describe the QM system in a text fileYou will need a text file describing the QM system (by default, named 's1' in our programs). Below is an example 's1' file. The first line serves as the project title. Lines beginning with 'QM:' denote the atomic numbers of atoms from the initial PDB file that should be included in the QM system. For example, '1316-1319' implies that atoms 1316, 1317, 1318, and 1319 will be part of the QM system. You can add comments to each line after '!' if desired; the program (arazprep) will ignore text following '!' on a line. Lines starting with 'CL:' identify CL junctions. Finally, lines starting with 'X:' identify the neighbors of each CL atom that are covalently bonded to it in the QM region (refer to Scheme 1). Feel free to adjust the comments and descriptions based on the specifics of your system. A sample s1 file. Title: 05-Rieske RED, AH1, CH=-1, u=0 QM: 1316-1319 ! CYM-87 QM: 1340-1349 ! HIN-89 QM: 1586-1589 ! CYM-106 QM: 1620-1630 ! HIE-109 QM: 2313-2316 ! 2FE(III,III), 2S
CL: 1314 1338 1584 1618 X: 1316 1340 1586 1620
Scheme 1: Representation of CL, HL, and X atoms. Atoms from the starting PDB file in the QM and MM systems are depicted in green and blue, respectively.
3. 3. Run the arazprep program as follows or customize it according to your file names.arazprep <<EOF araz-in.pdb 1 s1
6.0 yes 4 -1 1 EOF
3.1 Choose the starting PDB file.3.2 If you are working with a protein, choose option 1 for TER; otherwise, choose option 2 for TER.3.3 Enter the name of the S1 file, which describes the QM system.3.4 Enter the title of your project.3.5 Enter the most accurate CL-HL bond lengths.3.6 Enter the thickness of S2 around the QM system.3.7 Enter the level of theory.3.8 Enter the number of CPU cores for parallel calculations.3.9 Enter the charge of the QM system.3.10 Enter the multiplicity of the QM region.
The program creates the following files, each described in Table 1.
Table 1. Files and Their Descriptions Created by the arazprep Program:
4. Create the Topology File of the QM System4.1 Insert TER between fragments of the qm.pdb file.pdbanalyser <<EOF qm.pdb ter qm-ter.pdb q EOF
4.2 Extract the fragments of the qm.pdb file, each in a separate file. Example:grep "CYM" qm-ter.pdb > cym.pdb grep "HIN" qm-ter.pdb > hin.pdb grep "HIE" qm-ter.pdb > hie.pdb
4.3 Create parameters for each fragment.antechamber -i cym.pdb -fi pdb -o -fo prepi -nc -1 -c bcc -rn CYM -at gaff antechamber -i hin.pdb -fi pdb -o -fo prepi -nc -1 -c bcc -rn HIN -at gaff antechamber -i hie.pdb -fi pdb -o -fo prepi -nc 0 -c bcc -rn HIE -at gaff parmchk2 -i -f prepi -o cym.dat parmchk2 -i -f prepi -o hin.dat parmchk2 -i -f prepi -o hie.dat
4.4 Run tleap with the to create the topology and coordinate files of the QM system with HL junctions (prmtop1 prmcrd1, respectively).tleap -s -f
Here is a sample file:
#source leaprc.protein.ff14SB source leaprc.gaff #source leaprc.water.tip3p addPath /home/mehdi/araz-test/Parm/ loadAmberPrep loadAmberPrep loadAmberPrep loadAmberPrep loadAmberPrep loadAmberParams fe.dat loadAmberParams su2.dat loadAmberParams hin.dat loadAmberParams hie.dat loadAmberParams cym.dat x=loadpdb qm-ter.pdb saveamberparm x prmtop1 prmcrd1 savepdb x pdbout1 quit
4.5 Make the atomic partial charges of all systems in the prmtop1 equal to zero.topologyanalyser <<EOF prmtop1 m qmC0.pdb
5. Create prmtop3, the topology file of the whole system using tleap.tleap -s -f
Here is a sample file:
source leaprc.protein.ff14SB source leaprc.gaff source leaprc.water.tip3p addPath /home/mehdi/araz-test/Leap/ loadAmberPrep loadAmberPrep loadAmberPrep loadAmberParams fe.dat loadAmberParams su2.dat loadAmberParams hin2.dat loadAmberParams hin1.dat x=loadpdb pdbWithTER.pdb bond x.92.SG x.108.SG saveamberparm x prmtop3 prmcrd3 quit
6. Create the topology file of the whole system with charges of the QM system as zero (prmtop2).topologyanalyser <<EOF prmtop3 m pdb_0_charge.pdb prmtop2 q EOF
3. Run the program as:
References[1] U. Ryde, QM/MM Calculations on Proteins, Methods Enzymol. 577 (2016) 119–158. [2] L. Cao, U. Ryde, On the difference between additive and subtractive QM/MM calculations, Front. Chem. 6 (2018) 359025.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kurdistan |
Mehdi Irani Teaching duties Methods |