University of Kurdistan

Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran


Hêmin Golpîra


Associate Professor, Power System Engineering

Power Systems Modeling & Simulation Lab.



Hêmin received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering in 2008, 2011, and 2015, respectively, all with honors. During 2014 and 2015 Hêmin was with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Power System Engineering Research Center (PSERC) and Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI), USA, as an Associate Research Fellow. In 2016, Hêmin joined the University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran, as an assistant professor. During 2019, 2021 and 2023, Hêmin was a visiting professor with Ecole Central de Lille, and Ecole Central de Nantes, France. Hêmin is the recipient of the prestigious 2023 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems best paper award. He is an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Power Engineering Letters, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, and Electric Power Systems Research. His research interests include power system dynamic and stability, renewable energy integration, power system modeling & simulation, power system operation and wide area control. Hêmin is a senior member of IEEE.












Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control, John Wiley & Sons, 2021


Latest News:

Ø  February 2025: Recent paper entitled "An Innovative Approach for Inertia Estimation in Power Grids: Integrating ANN and Equal Area Criterion" is accepted for publication by IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution.

Ø  January 2025: I invited as Visiting Professor by LS2N at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, for teaching in MASTER-DREAM program.  

Ø  September 2024: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Transient Stability-Based Approach for Out-of-Step Prediction in Power Systems" is accepted for publication by IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution.

Ø  September 2024: Recent paper entitled "Artificial-Intelligence-Based System Frequency Response Modeling Considering Contribution of Inverter-Based Resources" is accepted for publication by Neural Computing & Applications.

Ø  June 2024: Recent paper entitled "Estimation of Aggregated Inertia Constant and Load Damping: A PMU-Based Analytical Approach" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.

Ø  June 2024: Recent paper entitled "Artificial intelligence-based approach for islanding detection in cyber-physical power systems" is accepted for publication by Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.

Ø  June 2024: Recent paper entitled "Advanced and Smart Protection Schemes in Renewable Integrated Power Systems: A Survey and New Perspectives" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research

Ø  April 2024: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Based Approach for Islanding Detection in Large-Scale Power Systems" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  March 2024: Recent paper entitled "Estimation of Aggregated Inertia Constant and Load Damping: A PMU-Based Analytical Approach" is accepted for presentation in PSCC 2024, Paris, France.  

Ø  February 2024: Recent paper entitled "Enhanced Frequency Regulation Scheme: An Online Paradigm for Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Integration" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  December 2023: Hêmin received 2023 Best Paper Award Recognition from the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems - flagship journal in Power and Engineering Field (Link).

Ø  December 2023: Hêmin received 2023 Outstanding Associate Editor Recognition from the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems - flagship journal in Power and Engineering Field.

Ø  December 2023: Recent paper entitled "An Adaptive Data-driven Method Based on Fuzzy Logic for Determining Power System Voltage Status" is accepted for publication by Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.

Ø  December 2023: Recent paper entitled "Modeling the power trading strategies of a retailer with multi-microgrids: a robust bi-level optimization approach" is accepted for publication by Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy.

Ø  November 2023: Recent paper entitled "Modeling market trading strategies of the intermediary entity for microgrids: A reinforcement learning-based approach" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.

Ø  August 2023: I invited as Visiting Professor by L2EP at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

Ø  August 2022: Recent paper entitled "A center-of-gravity-based framework for small-and large-signal frequency analysis of interconnected power systems" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.

Ø  March 2023: I invited as Visiting Professor by LS2N at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France.

Ø  March 2023: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of Electric Power Systems Research.

Ø  February 2023: Hêmin elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member (SMIEEE).

Ø  February 2023: Recent paper entitled "Modeling the optimal sizing problem of the biogas-based electrical generator in a livestock farm considering a gas storage tank and the anaerobic digester process under the uncertainty of cow dung" is accepted for publication by Energy.

Ø  January 2023: Hêmin is involved in POSYTYF project (Link).

Ø  January 2023: Hêmin received IEEE 2022 Young Researcher Award (Link).

Ø  January 2023: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  January 2023: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of IEEE Power Engineering Letters.

Ø  December 2022: Hêmin becomes Member of IEEE.

Ø  October 2022: Hêmin's name appears in the updated ranking of the most influential researchers in the world regarding their scientific production (the list of the 2% top-cited scientists) in 2022 (Link).

Ø  September 2022: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IET GTD).

Ø  September 2022: Recent paper entitled "A PMU-based back-up protection scheme for fault detection considering uncertainties" is accepted for publication by International Journal Of Electrical Power & Energy Systems.

Ø  September 2022: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Inertia Adequacy Based Approach for Sustainable Expansion Planning in DGs-Penetrated Power Grids" is accepted for publication by IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.

Ø  June 2022: Present an INVITED SPEAK titled "Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control: Frequency Point of View" in the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE), Berlin, Germany (Link)

Ø  May 2022: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme in Power Systems" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  November 2021: Seminar at L2EP (France) for the graduate students on the topic of "Sustainable Power Grids: Expansion Planning Point of View to host Renewable Energy Generators" (Link)

Ø  October 2021: I invited for the second time as Visiting Professor by L2EP at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

Ø  March 2021: Book titled "Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control" is published by Wiley-IEEE.

Ø  February 2021: Recent paper entitled "Grid Integration Evaluation of Virtual Synchronous Generators Using a Disturbance-Oriented Unified Modeling Approach" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  February 2021: Recent paper entitled "Power system frequency control: An updated review of current solutions and new challenges" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.

Ø  June 2020: Recent paper entitled "Optimal Energy Storage System-Based Virtual Inertia Placement: A Frequency Stability Point of View" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  March 2020: Recent paper entitled "Risk management model for simultaneous participation of a distribution company in Day-ahead and Real-time markets" is accepted for publication by Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks.

Ø  February 2020: Recent paper entitled "Impact of power exchange on reliability and economic indices of networked microgrids" is accepted for publication by International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems.

Ø  November 2019: I have received research grant from "Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF)

Ø  September 2019: Recent paper entitled "Bulk power system frequency stability assessment in presence of microgrids" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.

Ø  August 2019: I invited as Visiting Professor by L2EP at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

Ø  April 2019: Recent paper entitled "Emulation of Virtual Inertia to Accommodate Higher Penetration Levels of Distributed Generation in Power Grids" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  April 2019: Recent paper entitled "Co-optimization of Energy and Reserve in Standalone Micro-Grid Considering Uncertainties Energy" is accepted for publication by ENERGY.

Ø  January 2019: My project, co-led, by Professor Bevrani was funded by Iran Grid Management Company (IGMC).

Ø  August 2018: I received KANS award in ENERGY field (Link).

Ø  July 2018: Recent paper entitled "Automatic voltage regulator design using a modified adaptive optimal approach" is accepted for publication by International Journal of Electrical Power &  Energy Systems.

Ø  July 2017: I will give a presentation at the Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-West Branch (WIAEEE).

Ø  June 2017: Recent paper entitled "A Center-of-Gravity-based Approach to Estimate Slow Power and Frequency Variations" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  January 2017: I have received research grant from "Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF)

Ø  January 2017: I have received research grant from "National Elite Foundation"

Ø  January 2017: My Transactions paper "Maximum Penetration Level of Micro-Grids in Large-Scale Power Systems: Frequency Stability Viewpoint" is invited for presentation in IEEE PES PowerTech 2017 in Manchester.

Ø  August 2016: I received outstanding young assistant professor award (Dr. Kazemi Ashtyani Grant), National Elites Foundation.

Ø  June 2016: I received technical certification for the developed "Green Power System Analysis Toolbox (GPSAT)" from TAVANIR.

Ø  March 2016: Recent paper entitled "Maximum Penetration Level of Micro-Grids in Large-Scale Power Systems: Frequency Stability Viewpoint" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Ø  January 2016: I received 17th Khwarazmi Youth Festival award for "Developing of a software package for dynamical modelling of Active Distribution Networks"

Last Update: March, 2025

H. Golpîra © 2016 | All Rights Reserved