Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran
Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control, John Wiley & Sons, 2021
Latest News:
Ø February 2025: Recent paper entitled "An Innovative Approach for Inertia Estimation in Power Grids: Integrating ANN and Equal Area Criterion" is accepted for publication by IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution.
Ø January 2025: I invited as Visiting Professor by LS2N at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, for teaching in MASTER-DREAM program.
Ø September 2024: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Transient Stability-Based Approach for Out-of-Step Prediction in Power Systems" is accepted for publication by IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution.
Ø September 2024: Recent paper entitled "Artificial-Intelligence-Based System Frequency Response Modeling Considering Contribution of Inverter-Based Resources" is accepted for publication by Neural Computing & Applications.
Ø June 2024: Recent paper entitled "Estimation of Aggregated Inertia Constant and Load Damping: A PMU-Based Analytical Approach" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø June 2024: Recent paper entitled "Artificial intelligence-based approach for islanding detection in cyber-physical power systems" is accepted for publication by Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.
Ø June 2024: Recent paper entitled "Advanced and Smart Protection Schemes in Renewable Integrated Power Systems: A Survey and New Perspectives" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø April 2024: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Based Approach for Islanding Detection in Large-Scale Power Systems" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø March 2024: Recent paper entitled "Estimation of Aggregated Inertia Constant and Load Damping: A PMU-Based Analytical Approach" is accepted for presentation in PSCC 2024, Paris, France.
Ø February 2024: Recent paper entitled "Enhanced Frequency Regulation Scheme: An Online Paradigm for Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Integration" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø December 2023: Hêmin received 2023 Best Paper Award Recognition from the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems - flagship journal in Power and Engineering Field (Link).
Ø December 2023: Hêmin received 2023 Outstanding Associate Editor Recognition from the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems - flagship journal in Power and Engineering Field.
Ø December 2023: Recent paper entitled "An Adaptive Data-driven Method Based on Fuzzy Logic for Determining Power System Voltage Status" is accepted for publication by Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
Ø December 2023: Recent paper entitled "Modeling the power trading strategies of a retailer with multi-microgrids: a robust bi-level optimization approach" is accepted for publication by Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy.
Ø November 2023: Recent paper entitled "Modeling market trading strategies of the intermediary entity for microgrids: A reinforcement learning-based approach" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø August 2023: I invited as Visiting Professor by L2EP at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.
Ø August 2022: Recent paper entitled "A center-of-gravity-based framework for small-and large-signal frequency analysis of interconnected power systems" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø March 2023: I invited as Visiting Professor by LS2N at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France.
Ø March 2023: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø February 2023: Hêmin elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member (SMIEEE).
Ø February 2023: Recent paper entitled "Modeling the optimal sizing problem of the biogas-based electrical generator in a livestock farm considering a gas storage tank and the anaerobic digester process under the uncertainty of cow dung" is accepted for publication by Energy.
Ø January 2023: Hêmin is involved in POSYTYF project (Link).
Ø January 2023: Hêmin received IEEE 2022 Young Researcher Award (Link).
Ø January 2023: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø January 2023: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of IEEE Power Engineering Letters.
Ø December 2022: Hêmin becomes Member of IEEE.
Ø October 2022: Hêmin's name appears in the updated ranking of the most influential researchers in the world regarding their scientific production (the list of the 2% top-cited scientists) in 2022 (Link).
Ø September 2022: Hêmin appointed as associated editor (AE) of IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IET GTD).
Ø September 2022: Recent paper entitled "A PMU-based back-up protection scheme for fault detection considering uncertainties" is accepted for publication by International Journal Of Electrical Power & Energy Systems.
Ø September 2022: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Inertia Adequacy Based Approach for Sustainable Expansion Planning in DGs-Penetrated Power Grids" is accepted for publication by IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.
Ø June 2022: Present an INVITED SPEAK titled "Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control: Frequency Point of View" in the 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE), Berlin, Germany (Link)
Ø May 2022: Recent paper entitled "A Data-Driven Under Frequency Load Shedding Scheme in Power Systems" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø November 2021: Seminar at L2EP (France) for the graduate students on the topic of "Sustainable Power Grids: Expansion Planning Point of View to host Renewable Energy Generators" (Link)
Ø October 2021: I invited for the second time as Visiting Professor by L2EP at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.
Ø March 2021: Book titled "Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and Control" is published by Wiley-IEEE.
Ø February 2021: Recent paper entitled "Grid Integration Evaluation of Virtual Synchronous Generators Using a Disturbance-Oriented Unified Modeling Approach" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø February 2021: Recent paper entitled "Power system frequency control: An updated review of current solutions and new challenges" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø June 2020: Recent paper entitled "Optimal Energy Storage System-Based Virtual Inertia Placement: A Frequency Stability Point of View" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø March 2020: Recent paper entitled "Risk management model for simultaneous participation of a distribution company in Day-ahead and Real-time markets" is accepted for publication by Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks.
Ø February 2020: Recent paper entitled "Impact of power exchange on reliability and economic indices of networked microgrids" is accepted for publication by International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems.
Ø November 2019: I have received research grant from "Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF)"
Ø September 2019: Recent paper entitled "Bulk power system frequency stability assessment in presence of microgrids" is accepted for publication by Electric Power Systems Research.
Ø August 2019: I invited as Visiting Professor by L2EP at Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.
Ø April 2019: Recent paper entitled "Emulation of Virtual Inertia to Accommodate Higher Penetration Levels of Distributed Generation in Power Grids" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø April 2019: Recent paper entitled "Co-optimization of Energy and Reserve in Standalone Micro-Grid Considering Uncertainties Energy" is accepted for publication by ENERGY.
Ø January 2019: My project, co-led, by Professor Bevrani was funded by Iran Grid Management Company (IGMC).
Ø August 2018: I received KANS award in ENERGY field (Link).
Ø July 2018: Recent paper entitled "Automatic voltage regulator design using a modified adaptive optimal approach" is accepted for publication by International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems.
Ø July 2017: I will give a presentation at the Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers-West Branch (WIAEEE).
Ø June 2017: Recent paper entitled "A Center-of-Gravity-based Approach to Estimate Slow Power and Frequency Variations" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø January 2017: I have received research grant from "Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF)"
Ø January 2017: I have received research grant from "National Elite Foundation"
Ø January 2017: My Transactions paper "Maximum Penetration Level of Micro-Grids in Large-Scale Power Systems: Frequency Stability Viewpoint" is invited for presentation in IEEE PES PowerTech 2017 in Manchester.
Ø August 2016: I received outstanding young assistant professor award (Dr. Kazemi Ashtyani Grant), National Elites Foundation.
Ø June 2016: I received technical certification for the developed "Green Power System Analysis Toolbox (GPSAT)" from TAVANIR.
Ø March 2016: Recent paper entitled "Maximum Penetration Level of Micro-Grids in Large-Scale Power Systems: Frequency Stability Viewpoint" is accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
Ø January 2016: I received 17th Khwarazmi Youth Festival award for "Developing of a software package for dynamical modelling of Active Distribution Networks"
Last Update: March, 2025
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